Emerging Stronger from the Crisis

This fall, in a series of four dialogues we will share our ideas on how to emerge stronger from the corona crisis. Did your way of living, your thoughts or ideas change due to the crisis? Join us live in the Kargadoor or online via Zoom and share your experiences! On the registration form you can let us know if you want to participate live or via Zoom.

Emerging Stronger from the Crisis

Corona crisis has suddenly changed many things in our lives; we had to continue our work or studies from home, perhaps lost our jobs and were discouraged to see our family and friends. Since June, our lives started adjusting to a ‘new normal’. How did you experience the crisis? What changed in your daily lives? Are your views and values changing somehow? Which of these changes do you wish to maintain moving forward, and how can you make that happen?

There will be four dialogues within this series:

Important notes

  • The events will start at 19:30 until 22:00.
  • Physical dialogues will take place in the Kargadoor. Online dialogues will be held via Zoom. On the registration form you can let us know if you want to participate live or via Zoom.
  • Due to the social distancing policy, the capacity of the Kargadoor is limited. If the participation exceeds the capacity of the rooms, participants will be invited to join the online dialogues.
  • Any possible changes in the social distancing policy that could affect the physical dialogues at the Kargadoor, will be communicated in due time.

This dialogue series is organized in partnership with the Kargadoor. The series is part of the project ‘Online Erbij Horen in Crisistijd’ (in Dutch).

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